Designer-Interview mit Alberta Kiel

Kreativität und Kunst sind die beiden Hauptzutaten in der Arbeit von Alberta Kiel. Die 39-jährige Designerin ist seit März 2010 bei Skypak und hat schon einige Airline-Trolleys mit ihren Motiven verschönert. „New York“ und „Rio“ gehören zu ihren bekanntesten Entwürfen. Wir haben uns mit Alberta Kiel zusammengesetzt, um über ihre Arbeit für Skypak und die Herausforderungen, denen sie sich stellen musste, zu sprechen.

Interview auf Englisch:

How did come up with the idea to refurbish airline trolleys?

As a product designer I always work on new patterns, figures and their ‘worlds’ for a wide array of things. Most of the time those are items for everyday use. For example wall paper, decorative fabrics or drinking bottles. I was intrigued by the idea to design airline trolleys, especially since this is not an everyday item – and by its versatility offers an interesting and beautiful platform for ‘daring’ designs!

What are the challenges of this work?

To see an airline trolley outside an airplane and refurbish it for the use at home is a great task. To imagine all the different possible uses of the trolley and how – in which ‘outfit’ – it could fit into each environment really gets me excited during the design development.

How do the airline trolleys differ from other designed furniture?

One of the main differences is the high level of familiarity of airline trolleys. With the daily use in air traffic they have a higher recognition value than other designer furniture. Besides they are also very functional and portable. In opposition to other pieces of designed furniture, which often serve only one single purpose, the trolley is multi-functional and mobile.

How do you anticipate the development of the market for design airline trolleys?

Being an innovative, functional and simple product, while offering a solution for every little niche, the airline trolley adapts perfectly to today’s conditions of the market. Therefore I assume, that transforming airline trolleys into design furniture pieces will be established on the market. I can also imagine that other products with a high versatility will be discovered and likewise transformed into beautiful and multi-functional objects.

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